Project Description


The project aims to improve health care, nutrional and economie living conditions of local population, with a special attention to children and mothers, through the creation of community and health care services.

The project acts on three different levels: institutional, territorial and local levels, combining three main phases:


  • Monitor and survey existing diseases
  • Define materna! and child health status-through free medicai check-ups
  • Medicai information campaigns for local population


  • Data analysis collected in the first project phase and creation of a strategie unit lead by the Ministry of Health
  • Creation and training of medicai, paramedica! and surgical equips, with infectious diseases, virology, pediatrics, obstetrics, dentistry and maxilla-facial specializations
  • Establishment of a technical staff called TNS composed by experts in nutrition, veterinary and animai husbandry


  • The medicai staff, with the added value of capillary collected data on the territory and suitably elaborateci, will carry out, in consultation with the Ministry of Health, the Unit Strategie and lnternational Organizations working in the country, actions devoted to the population and it will play as an instrument of territori al health care structures reinforcement
  • TNS, in strictly synergies with ministries, will create a propaedeutic Organic Village, which will play as an operating and replicative model anywhere in the country. lt will play as a center capable of providing to the population the right nutritional content and of becoming an important and lasting source of young employees’ cooperatives income
  • The Organic Village will consist of:Training Centre,Animal breeding, Agricultural area for organic production (animai fodder and human food), Food processing value chain (meat, milk and derivatives, cocoa, fruits),Cooperative set up leading by young people
  • Location: Ivory Coast

  • Duration: July 2019 – October 2020

  • Role: Leading Applicant

  • Funding: private funding

  • lnvestment: 1.350.000 euros

  • Sector: health, training, sustainable development, materna! & chi Id health, agriculture and livestock